Monthly Archives: April 2016

My Favourite Books

Today is Canada Book Day (bet you didn’t think that existed)! So I thought I’d make a contribution to this celebration with a very fun list of my favourite books. Of course, Harry Potter is number 1.

The Remains of the Day

Review | The Remains of the Day

Upon finishing, Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day became an immediate favourite of mine. I was left in awe for a few minutes, staring into space and absorbing everything. This story is one of the best realizations of the beauty found in the unsaid.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Haruki Murakami

Review | The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

Murakami is one of my favourite writers. His prose is so simple, yet his stories he creates are always so so complex. Whenever I read Murakami, I get absolutely and completely absorbed — his words grab me and pull me in. I think this is what makes his style of magic realism so effective: you’re so […]